Alberta Municipal Residential Utility Rate Comparison
Priortizing Hydrologically Significant Areas In Red Deer River Watershed
Drinking Water Safety Plan
Click Here for Information
Working Well: A program for private well owners
Click Here for Information
Water Canada Buyers Guide
Resources for Municipal Water Related Suppliers
Red Deer River Watershed Alliance
Integrated Watershed Management Plan Technical Reports
Surface Water Quantity and Groundwater Resources
Alberta Environment
Alberta Water Council
Alberta Water Portal
Alberta WaterSMART
AUMA Municipal Water Primer and Discussion Paper
South Saskatchewan River Basin Water Information Portal
Review of the Implementation of the Approved WMP for the .._
Review Summary
Red Deer River Basin – Water Supply Forecasts
Future Storage Information
“Potential Water Storage Sites and Diversion Strategies”
Alberta Environment Regulated Drinking Water Web-Site
Alberta Environment Waterworks Facility Assessments
Useful Web Sites
- Alberta Agriculture and Food Alberta Irrigation Projects Association: there are several excellent links on this site from
- Partners FOR the Saskatchewan River Basin Alberta Ingenuityludes legislation, weekly water reports, water supply outlook, and near real-time hydro
- Alberta Irrigation Projects Association information about issues, innovations, and resources within Alberta’s irrigation sector.
- Canada’s Aquatic Environmentsides a wealth of information on Canada’s lakes, rivers, wetlands, and oceans; aquatic research in Canada; and human interactions Canadian Ground Water Association (CGWA)
- Canadian Water Network
- Canadian Water Quality Guidelines
- Canadian Water Resources Association (CWRA) – The CWRA is a national organization of individuals and organizations interested in the management of Canada’s water resources.
- .City of Calgary Water Quality Web Site
- The Council of Canadians is an independent, non-partisan citizens’ interest group that provides a progressive voice on key national and international issues, such as water privatization and exports.
- Cows and Fish Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Program is a program that strives to promote the understanding and appreciation of riparian areas for landowners, resource managers and the general public. Their web site provides information on riparian health assessment, grazing management, community tools, and caring for riparian areas. In the future, it will also include some of their success stories.
- Environment Canada’s Freshwater Web Site
- 2000-2001 Government of Alberta Annual Report – Located in the section on Preservation are water quality indices for metals, nutrients, bacteria, and pesticides for each of the province’s six major river systems.
- Land Stewardship Centre of Canada – We are an action-oriented centre for developing partnerships – with agriculture, industry, government, institutions and community-based organizations – for conservation programs, projects and exchanging knowledge that will best serve the public in achieving the vision of environmentally sustainable land management.
- National Water Research Institute – The National Water Research Institute is Canada’s largest freshwater research institute. It conducts ecosystem-based research to support policy development, decision-making, and early identification of environmental problems.
- Pollution Watch – Allows anyone living in Canada to type in their postal code and find out who the polluters are in their neighborhood and what pollutants are being released.
- Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative
- Species at Risk Act (SARA) – This federal piece of legislation passed the Senate and received Royal Assent on Dec. 12, 2002. It is designed to protect Canada’s species and their critical habitat. The Act will come into force in 2003.
- Thinkwater: this site has very good information and video clips on the glaciers
- The Science Lab -directory of Environment related websites
- US Environmental Protection Agency Watershed Protection – Provides a good overview of the approach to watershed management adopted by the EPA.
- WaterWiser – the Water Efficiency Clearinghouse – Has links to information on landscaping/xeriscaping, reuse/recycling & rainwater harvesting, efficient fixtures and appliances, irrigation, drought, and even toiletology 101!
- Weaselhead Glenmore Preservation Society – This Calgary-Based society has youth education programs such as: Wetlands, Important to a Healthy Environment, Grade 5. Water: One of Life’s Most Important Commodities, Grade 8.
Saskatchewan’s Water Conservation Plan is available online at
Other Watershed Groups in Canada
- Alberta Lake Management Society
- Alouette River Management Society (BC)
- Bilston Watershed Habitat Protection Association (BC)
- Fraser Headwaters Alliance (BC)
- Hunter-Clyde Watershed Group (PEI)
- Lake Ontario Keeper (ON)
- Lakeland Industry & Community Association (LICA)
- Mill Creek Watershed Group (NB)
- Oldman Water Council (AB)
- Ottawa Riverkeeper (ON)
- Pacific Streamkeepers Federation (BC)
- Sentinelles Petitcodiac Riverkeeper (NB)
- Rivershed Society of BC
- RiverSides Stewardship Alliance (ON)
- Slocan Valley Watershed Alliance (BC)
- The Veins of Life Watershed Society (BC)
- Watershed Watch Salmon Society (BC)
- Woodens River Watershed Environmental Organization (NS)